Tennessee Surveillance Training Course - Continuing Education (16 hrs)
The Tennessee CE Surveillance Course is now registered as a Continuing Education course. It has a Texas School Number: Y04175701. It will count as 16 hours (14 hours content, 2 hours ethics) toward the 12 required by Tennessee when renewing your PI Registration.
This class was created for those who wish to break into the Private Investigation field, but have no Surveillance experience. Without a basic foundation in Surveillance, it can seem impossible to get hired in Texas (and probably other states as well), since most new investigators do mainly Surveillance.
Once you have a good foundation and basic skills, you stand a much better chance of getting hired on with Investigative Agencies.
Not only will you have the basic skills to begin work, but you will also have an understanding of PI employer/employee relations, Private Investigator ethics, and much more
Although this course was written for Texas, the basic Surveillance skills should apply anywhere. Remember, you should contact your own licensing agency in your state to make sure you are operating legally.
This format consists of:
300+ Training Slides
9+ Hours of Audio Narration
Over 30 Static/Mobile Surveillance Video Clips
PDF Copy of the Course Slides (no audio/video)
PDF Helpful Documents
Certificate of Completion
30 Days to Complete
Complete the course at your own rate. Work for 30 minutes or 30 hours, it's up to you. You can advance the slides when you are comfortable you've learned the material.
FAQ’S Regarding Continuing Education for Tennessee Private Investigators
Licensees need 12 hours of continuing education credit accrued during the current 2 year licensure period.
Tennessee Private Investigator Licensee Renewals and Continuing Education Requirements: T.C.A. 62-26-225 Chapter 1175-2
Continuing Professional Education
1. Rule 1175-2-.02 Purpose is amended by deleting the text of the rule in its entirety and substituting in its place the following language so that, as amended, the rule shall read: The Private Investigators Licensing and Regulatory Act, as amended, requires each licensed private investigator to receive twelve (12) hours of continuing professional education during each two (2) year period prior to renewal as a prerequisite for keeping the license valid. The purposes of this chapter are to prescribe the basic continuing education requirements for present and future licensees; to establish standards by which continuing education will be evaluated for the awarding of credit; and to ensure compliance with the Act.

Introduction to Private Investigator Employment
*** What to Expect as a New Private Investigator
*** Can You Open Your Own Company?
*** Types of Private Investigators
Basics of Surveillance
*** Why use surveillance?
*** Types of cases
*** Before Taking the Case
*** Pre-Surveillance Client Interview
*** Pre-Surveillance Planning
*** Nature of Surveillance & Investigations
*** Single Vehicle Mobile Surveillance
*** Linear Following
*** Segmented Following
*** During Surveillance…
*** Foot Surveillance
*** Sample Mobile Video Clips
*** Static Surveillance
*** Hiding in the Vehicle
*** Dealing With Law Enforcement
*** Murphy’s Law
*** Getting Burned
*** Surveillance Equipment
*** Types of Surveillance Vehicles
*** Inside the Surveillance Vehicle
*** Surveillance Reports
*** Surveillance Forms and Contracts
*** Surveillance Requirements Expected of Employees
Employer or Employee: Which Are You?
*** Difference Between
*** What Employers Want From an Employee
*** What to Expect as an Employee
*** Pros/Cons of Employees: Owner’s Perspective
*** What are Investigator Ethics
*** Consequences of Unethical Behavior
Final Exam
*** Content Test Questions (35)
*** Ethics Questions (15)
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