Work on the course at your own rate. 30 minutes, 30 hours, or 30 days... it's up to you. You can advance the slides when you are comfortable you've learned the material.
What is Surveillance?
Where can I find Surveillance training online?
Where can I get Texas Private Investigator continuing education credits online?
How do I learn to follow someone?
How do I video from a vehicle?
What equipment should I buy for surveillance?
Should I buy covert equipment too?
How do I become a Texas Private Investigator?
How do I obtain a Texas PI Pocket card?
How do I open my own PI Agency in Texas?
How do I find work as a PI Employee?
How do ethics come into play for Investigators?
What Texas laws and board rules affect the PI?
If you've asked any of the above questions, read on...
These courses are designed for those who want to learn Surveillance or those who are wanting to brush up on their Surveillance skills. The courses are also an excellent guide for PI Agency OWNERS who currently don't offer surveillance. It can not only teach YOU how to do surveillance, but also what to look for in a potential surveillance employee. If you aren't offering surveillance to your clients, you are missing out on potential income.
If you are new to the Private Investigator industry, this Surveillance Course is a great tool for those who can’t seem to get hired because they don’t have any Surveillance experience, (most employees do Surveillance 90% of the time).
Many employers view potential employees with NO EXPERIENCE as a hassle to deal with and don't want to take the time to train them, or let them cut their teeth on a real active case.
“If you were worth it, surely someone else would have hired you by now.”, is the way many think.
So,unless you have an impressive investigative resume, your best bet will be getting hired on as a Surveillance Investigator, which means you need to know at least the basics of Surveillance.
Unfortunately, if you have no experience with Surveillance your chances for employment may be slim to none.
When you complete this course, you should have the basic Surveillance skills to work assignments, but don’t forget to train and practice every chance you get. The more you practice, the better you will get at following and/or videoing. You can put together a “Video Resume” of your abilities and send that to potential employers. That might help get your foot in the door and possibly secure an interview.
Your biggest challenge will be getting that first company to hire you. Make sure you’ve been practicing so that you can show them what you’re capable of!
This course will attempt to give you a leg up on other investigators who are just starting out with no Surveillance experience or no private sector Surveillance experience. You should be able to “talk shop” with prospective employers and know the basic laws and regulations.
We will also discuss the difference between being an employee , a subcontractor, and an owner of an Investigative Agency. We will go over what many Private Investigator Employers are looking for in a new hire employee and how you can set yourself apart from the competition.
In the Texas course, to make sure you don’t lose your PI registration, we will also cover the TEXAS laws and regulations that you need to be familiar with, as well as ethics for investigators. If you are taking the Non-Texas version, be sure you are familiar with your State's laws and regulations governing Private Investigators and Surveillance.
Learning how to follow someone from an online or classroom course is not exactly easy and it’s going to take PRACTICE on your part to master the skills. However, teaching the basic building blocks for a strong foundation in Surveillance is entirely possible.
In addition to following and filming someone, this course discusses many other areas of what it takes to be a successful Surveillance Investigator and/or a valuable employee.
I hope you enjoy the course and be sure to check out the FAQ page to answer any questions you may have. If your question is not covered there, feel free to email me any time from the Contact page.
A course description for all versions can be found under the Courses tab above.

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Advanced Investigative &
Screening Solutions
TX PI School# Y04175701.
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Advanced Investigative &
Screening Solutions
TX PI Agency # A08817